Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WTF Happened

So I went to Oktoberfest, sickest thing ever. And it;s all about drinking beer, and it's great 'cause your not able to drink this young in the States. So the first day I didn't think I drank that much, maybe two steins, that's equal to like seven beers, and they're stronger too. So the next night I find out I must have blacked out the first day because there are things I don't remember doing. Everyone thinks this is crazy, I don't believe this happened, but apparently it did, I somehow called one of my friends' dad from my phone without knowing his number and I talked to him. I don't remember using my phone at all that day.

That was what apparently happened, and the second day was worse, I drank a lot more and a lot faster. I chugged half a stein and as soon as my next one came I chugged that one too. I told my friend that if he could bounce this plastic coin into my drink, like playing quarters with shots, that I would chug it... so it happened... After that, I had yet another stein, my friend had about 7 of them. Then this guy sitting with us gives us what we both thought was a cigarette, I smoke them when I'm drunk if someone offers me one, and so we take a hit, and what we didn't know when we accepted it was that it was weed. So my friend took the first hit then handed it to me then he was like shit.. I couldn't tell it was weed, never had it before. We leave it's just me and him, my other friends left the table a long time ago. We're trying to find the exit but we get lost and we''re so drunk, I call one of our other friends but he ditches us and goes back to the campsite. So we call up the girls to try to find us. We sit outside one of the beer tents and I throw up.. and my friend passes out. I eventually get his to stand and we walk more until we couldn't do it anymore and we sat/passed out on the steps around the bumper cars.

The girls eventually find us after a bunch of confusing phone calls and a long time passed. We're saved.. damn longest day ever...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a party
    p.s love the design you put up.

    write more
    love you
    Keera Blake
